Mission: Study of the relationship between dance and Christianity from the birth of Christianity to our times, in worship and in everyday life, in all regions of the world

Creation of choreographies on Christian hymns


  • STUDY of the relationship between Dance and Christianity throughout the history of Christianity and especially during the first 3 centuries
  • STUDY of the current situation in all Christian churches
    This objective is also set for the other Groups with regard to syncretism and the creation of inventories of sacred dances
  • CREATION of choreographies on Christian hymns and music from various churches and composers. These choreographies respect a charter
  • Organization of ONLINE SEMINARS (at least 1 per year)
  • Creation of IN SITU EVENTS (presentations, conferences, festivals, etc.) at UNESCO or any country using the logo “Dance and Spirituality”
  • Search for CONTACTS with leaders of different churches

Team (

  • Claudine GEREZ: Referent Catholic Church Member of the Steering Committe
  • Virginie NFA: Referent  Protestant Churches
  • Nathalie Guillemé Concerned by the preservation of Monuments Member of the Steering Committe
  • Sabine JAMET Referent Oriental Churches
  • Sylvie LAGACHE She meditates on the place of the body in Christian theology
  • Catherine INGRASSIA Historian and researcher in medieval dance.
  • Hélène LAMIELLE interested in the early christian history
  • Fabienne COURMONT trained in various traditions that link the body with the spirit
  • Sahima BEN MOUHOUB Spiritual heir of the expression of the Berber Christian faith
  • Tiffany McSWAKER spiritual dancer and technical advisor


Social Networks

  • WEB site  soon to be linked to the “Dance and Spirituality” site for seminars and important content
  • Facebook Page to come
  • Instagram  to come