International Dance Council

Official Partner of UNESCO


Liturgical Dance

Liturgical dance is the incorporation of dance movements into worship in order to facilitate deeper spiritual experiences.

Liturgical dance entails movement of body parts which accompanies worship as an expression of devotion. Dancers respond to an appropriate dancing technique which coordinates with the music and is believed to improve worship expression and devotion. Liturgical dance may either be spontaneous or have been planned in advance.

For many faith groups and believers, liturgical dancing forms an integral part of worship. Many churches consider it an acceptable form of a Christian way of worship. Liturgical dancers express the word and the spirit of the Lord through movement of various body parts. Choreograph dances are frequently used before the congregation to create exciting and emotional atmosphere. Liturgical dancers mostly use their body parts, for instance, lifting up of hands, clapping continuously, swaying the body in any direction, and moving the head to the tune of the music to express to the congregation the joy they feel within.


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