Past conferences

September 28
Dance and Christianity 9
Historical Overview and Perspectives
What is the place of dance in Christianity, in worship and outside of worship, in its two thousand year old history and today?
Why Christian services -so open to all the arts- kept dance apart?
What is happening today in the multitude of churches in the world?
This seminar is intended to set milestones, raise questions but above all open ways to research and creation
Our host is Dr Constantin KONTOGIANNIS head of the “Dance and Spirituality” Program of CID
See poster in english
See poster in french
See draft program and contribution of speakers
Juin 29
CID SEMINAR “Dances and Christianity 8”
Dances of Vesuvius
The traditional dances of Southern Italy and in particular the “TAMMURRIATA” dance from Campania are held during a procession in honor of the Madonna. The dimension of pagan tradition and devotion to the Virgin unite during these celebrations of which the “Dances of Vesuvius” are an integral part.
Barbara Sabella, a contemporary dancer passionate about the dances of Southern Italy (Campania region) will be our guide!
See poster french
See poster english
See poster italian
See Program
April 6
CID SEMINAR “Dance and Christianity 7”
Dance and the Church in the Middle Age
From sacred dance to sacrilegious dance
Presentation of the ambivalent attitude of the Church and the dance in the Middle Ages through dance representations from the 8th to the 15th century
By Dr Catherine Ingrassia specialist in Medieval Dance.
https://www.ladansemedievale.fr/ https://morescarole.fr/
See poster french
See poster english
Program and Contributions of Speakers
February 9
CID SEMINAR “Dance And Christianity 6 “
Dancing the silence of God
(Clandestine Dance)
The silence of God is a concrete reality that inhabits churches and temples; when we enter them it captivates our interiority.
To dance the silence of God is therefore to make visible this immaterial reality of the intangible…
It means abandoning the idea of spectacle and representation; put the body in tune with the invisible.
It is dancing the relationship and discovering new territories of artistic expression through the study of texts and the practice of Christian rites, through the mysticism of the divine nature of the dancing body.
Graduate of Paris-Sorbonne University in Romance Studies and Thanatology, choreographer and artistic director, Sabine Jamet questions and explores movement and corporeality in contemporary society and, since ten years, she is working on the place of the collective body in the church and in Christian spirituality.
Program and Contributions of Speakers
January 27
CID SEMINAR “Dance And Christianity 5 “
The Mystery of the Dove
In this video conference, Fabienne Courmont presents how for her, through the danced oratorio “the mystery of the dove” created by Michel Garnier, and her experience in her long collaboration with this composer of sacred music, it is possible to dance to religious and Christian music and to embody the Holy Spirit through dance in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene
The Mystery of the Dove is an oratorio in eight scenes, written and composed by Michel GARNIER. It relates manifestations of the Holy Spirit : Baptism in the Jordan, Pentecost…
Several paintings are choreographed, notably the painting “The Initiated”, glorified by dance, which represents the Last Supper in a feminine way, inspired by the work of Leonardo da Vinci. Thus Michel Garnier wished to pay homage to the female apostles who followed Christ throughout his life.
Also a painting on the arrival at Saintes Maries de la Mer where the female apostles offer flames of hope to the public.
Program and Contributions of Speakers
december 16
CID SEMINAR “Dancing the Hymns4”
The legacy of Hildegarde de Bingen for a liturgical dance today
Doctor of the Church, Hildegard of Bingen is an exceptional woman! She was abbess, mystic, visionary, illustrator, composer, poet, founder and preacher, as well as a significant figure in medieval medicine; she arouses great interest today.
Our hostess Claudine Gérez, speaker and choreographer on Hildegard, will reveal to us a lesser known aspect of her work linked to dance. She will explain to us how she analyzes Hildegard’s heritage and draws inspiration from it in her vision of a liturgy integrating the danced expression of Faith.
This is our fourth seminar on dance and Christianity. Participants linked to the Church, sacred dance, anthropology and even naturopathy will provide additional information on the work of this immense spiritual figure.
See program and Contributions of Speakers
november 4
CID SEMINAR “Dancing the Hymns3”
Dance in the Liturgy
Sylvie Lagache, is a contemporary dancer, therapist with a master’s degree in theology specializing in liturgy.
She will develop the concept of a “ spiritualized body” for a liturgy less reduced to formalism, but more lively, celebrating the Living. .She will also talk about mystical dance and the parallel between the bodily learning of a dancer and the learning of the inner way and present her “Dance-Energy-Therapy” method
“Being in your body as a temple of God and dance the prayer”
See poster in english
See program
See Summary in English
See Summary in French
September 30th
CID Teleconference DANCING THE HYMNS N° 2
The principles as well as the perspectives of the “Dancing Christian Hymns” project are now established and are detailed during this founding teleconference
Forthcoming events, as well as a rich videoconference program are presented.
Participants will be invited to contribute
See poster in english
See Program and Contributions of Speakers
April 8
DANCING THE HYMNS is part of the Christian dimension of our “Dance and Spirituality” program. Having noted the virtual absence of choreographies on the rich heritage of Christian music and poetry both at the level of churches and at the level of Western art, the CID encourages its artists to create them.
An important event in this direction took place on November 19 and 20 in the city of Autun within the “Festival of Beauty”. Our artists danced various hymns from various eras for an hour and a half in the cathedral. They also danced the next day during the mass presided by Mgr Rivière, Bishop of Autun.
We are therefore pleased to present excerpts from certain choreographies with comments from their choreographers/performers.
See poster in english
See program and Contributions of Speakers
View Recording of the seminar
Evénement 19/11/2022 “Autant emporte le souffle” en entier