Research in “Dance and Spirituality” is not only limited to scholars. Everybody can contribute according to their possibilities and experiences .
However university level research is highly appreciated as several subjects need to be deeply examined.
Various scholars are active CID members like Pr Alkis Raftis (actual President), Ms Valérie Colette-Folliot, Mrs Marie-Hélène Delavaud Roux, Mrs Anna Lazou, Mrs France Shott-Billmann, Mrs Christine Mons-Spinner, Mrs Patricia Elizabeth Torres Villanueva, and many more.
This page is not yet designed; it will constitute – at least – an entry point either to individual articles or to exchanges on various subjects.
However – in anticipation – we can inaugurate the page by the article/manifest “SAPIENTIALES” which Valérie Colette Folliot dedicated to the research in Dance and spirituality.