CID Members and Friends have sent and are always sending us samples of their artistic works.
Many of them are related to spirituality.
Enjoy a collection that will be constantly enriched
You can also send your videos to enrich it even more !
Minessota Festival 1
Minessota Festival 2
Dancing in
Mount St Michel
Tatiana Osipova
Chinese Sacred Dance
Chinese Sacred Dance
Sacred Folk Dance
Sri Lanka
Cultural Dance
Sacred Folk Dance
Gaudiya Nritya Style
Autant en emporte le Souffle
Malaysian Ramayana
Tribal Dance
Tribal Dance
Dance Indonesia
Laos Royal Ballet
Laos Traditional Dance
Traditional Religious Dance
Classical Dance Of Malaysia
Sita Asks Rama To Catch The Deer
Javanese Ramayana
Laotian Ramayana
Masked Dance Drama in Thailand
Myanmar Ramayana
Philippino Ramayana Sita
With Nandini Pandy
Choreography Of Valerie Miquel
With Nandini Pandy
Danced by Catholic Archbishops
Improvisation By Virginie NFA
Ethiopian Easter
Isadora Duncan Style
Isadora Duncan Style By Catherine Gallant
Korean Fan Dance
A poem to the brave bird
Cosmic Dance of Lord Shiva
By Franciscan Monks
Variation In Colors
A Korean Buddist Dance
A Universal Idian Goddess
Dancing The Religions
Trace and Dance
Company Blue-Way
The Goddess of the Lotus Temple
The Rain Must Fall
Sacred Kwan Yin Dance
Love de Lolita Devi
Ceremony Of Holly Cross
The Big Seven
Danse Soufie de Rana Gorgani
Dans le Noir on voit mieux
David Danced before the Lord
Dance of Oneness
Moving Figure Gurdjieff sacred dance
Danse Spirituelle de Nathalie Guillemé
Doris Humphrey 1934
Estatic Dance With Sophie Sofree
Rebirth of Sacred Feminine
Poem of the Atoms
Sabine Jamet & Cie
Hymm Melodies and Farima Berenji
Dancing with Téhima
Shine in the Darkness
Now Lord Breathe on my Country
Dancing the Psalms
The virgin Star
Canonical Coronation of the Star of Triana
Charanya Gurusathya is portaying PUSHPAM
The awakening of the earth, Ode au Divin féminin
A 1967 Documentary by INA (French National Archives)
Choreography by Claudine Gerez on Mozart’s Requiem
choreography inspired by Plato’s cave
The dance of the elements by Assia Guemra
Dance with the organ of St Eustache church in Paris
Dance in Honor of GUELEDE protector of Yorubas
Catherine Alain
“Inspire and Dance Your Life”
Folklore sacred dance in honor of “SHAKTI”
The 50th Anniversary of the “Dances for Universal Peace “
Choreography on a Medieval sacred Armenian Music
Algerian ladies performing sacred dance in beautiful clothes
Irish Nuns and other clergy dancing during COVID
Dances of three female shamans
When Flamenco becomes the fire of the Soul
The pre-christian Sun Worship Symbolism
A kongo dance for nature and protection
Dance and plastic arts in the venerable St Sulpice church Paris
A great Shivaïst worships the Lord of Dance
Three Ave Maria in a Loïe Fuller Style
When Maghreb pays hommage to Mashreq
“Dance on STORY WATER a poem by Djalâl ad-Dîn RUMI
Rotating dance for SAKPATA vodun, divinity of the earth