Forthcoming Seminars

 We are  preparing seminars for the period 2024-2025
(possible subjects :
3d seminar on shamanism, Spiritual Dimension of Classical Ballets, Introduction to chinise sacred dances)

(Concerning Dance and Christianity
see Dancing the Christian Hymns)





It will concern today’s Dance and Christianity in Subsaharian Africa

Past Seminars

December 9


(Dances and Trances 2)

This second introductory seminar to shamanism – presented by Flo Kardinal, choreographer and shaman – addresses the subject of incorporation

We will discover:

– Flo Kardinal’s journey from trance to healing

– Her initiation into the Mongolian Darkhad tradition by the tsataan shaman Enkhtuya Ragchaa.

– A study of the Darkhad shamanic tradition.

– The influence of shamanism on dance in this region

Incorporation is an ancient ritual of shamanic trance, a relationship between man and spirits

See poster in english
See poster in french
See program and contribution of speakers

November 9

Dances and Trances 1
Towards a corporal manifestation of the invisible

Notre nouveau groupe « Danses et Transes » présente son premier des trois séminaires d’introduction présentés par Flo Kardinal chorégraphe et chamane .Flo nous initie au principe chamanique et à la mise en transe et on étudie comme exemple, la danse hip-hop – mouvement culturel et artistique de transformation et d’émancipation d’un groupe dont les racines puisent au cœur des danses ancestrales et devenu un phénomène universel Après une présentation des grands traits de la transe chamanique, en proposant une approche de la pratique ancestrale un pont est créé entre la scène de la cérémonie chamanique et le cercle des danses hip hop des origines

See poster in english
See poster in french
See program and contributions of speakers

September 28

CID SEMINAR “Dance and Christianity 9”
Historical Overview and Perspectives
see Dancing the Christian Hymns

June 29

CID SEMINAR “Dance and Christianity 8”
“Dances of Vesuvius”
see Dancing the Christian Hymns

April 20

The Etruscan dance and the relationship with Mediterranean Culture

The Etruscan was a people strictly linked with “spirituality”. Through them the art of divination (auruspics, augur) came to roman culture.

Unfortunately we have few written source, but we know that the Etruscan have a great relationship with music and consequently also with the dance. For that Etruscan  painting tomb of Tarquinia
are very important iconographical source.

We haven’t great studies on Etruscan dances, but we can find connections with other cultures of Mediterranean area (Greece, Egyptian etc.).
Starting from an iconographical reading of the images, the analysis of written sources
and the experience as reenacted, we want to give a vision on Etruscan dance.

Our hostess Dr Elisa Anzellotti is Ph. D. in Cultural heritage -theater and dance. She has numerous publications (among this also the book: “La danza nell’antichità. Etruschi, greci e romani)”

See poster in english
See poster in french

See program and contribution of speakers

April 6

CID SEMINAR  “Dance and Christianity 7”
Dance and the Church in the Middle Age
From sacred dance to sacrilegious dance
see Dancing the Christian Hymns

March 24

Three Goddesses Athena Aphrodite Artemis

Following our seminars on ancient civilizations, we approach ancient Greece honoring  three major Goddesses from a view where the therapeutic aspect mixes with the sacred and the aesthetic.

This seminar will be presented by Professor of Philosophy Ms. Anna Lazou responsible for the “Philosophy and Art” laboratory and the Study Group on Ancient Orchesis (the art of dancing in the Greek choir)

See poster in english
See poster in french

See program and Contributions of Speakers

February 24


After having introduced  ourselves to the world of sacred dance in Iran, Armenia and among the Aztecs, we will approach the immense civilization of ancient Egypt from a feminine angle which links history and the sacred.

We will have the pleasure of welcoming Florence Quentin, an Egyptologist, writer, journalist, cinema director and speaker who will deal with the historical aspect by presenting us some great sovereigns of ancient Egypt.

Concerning dance, Assia Guemra, teacher, dancer-choreographer, art therapist….., and one of the founders of the “Dance and Spirituality” program will initiate us to some aspects of sacred Egyptian dance from which she draws considerable inspiration for her own choreographies.

See poster in french

See poster in english
See program and contribution of speakers

February 9

CID SEMINAR  “Dance and Christianity 6”
Dancing the Silence of God (Clandestine Dances)
see Dancing the Christian Hymns

january 27

CID SEMINAR  “Dance and Christianity 5”
The Mystery of the Dove (Dancing The Holy Spirit)
see Dancing the Christian Hymns

december 16

CID SEMINAR  “Dancing the Hymns4”
The legacy of Hildegarde de Bingen for a liturgical dance today
see Dancing the Christian Hymns

December 2

CID SEMINAR MARCEL JOUSSE : Anthropology of Expression

Marcel Jousse was a leading authority in the anthropology of orality, gesture, and rhythm.

His research is of interest to anyone who studies dance.

Our host Dr Titus Jacquignon is a member of the office of the Marcel Jousse Association. His doctoral thesis is an exegesis and explanation of all of Marcel Jousse’s classes on the anthropology of gesture.

After a brief and concise presentation of the principles of the anthropology of expression, Dr Jacquignon will draw inspiration from them to offer us particular viewpoints for our research within the framework of the “Dance and Spirituality” program


See poster in french

See poster in english
See   program 

Speaker and References (french)
View Recording of the seminar




november 4

CID SEMINAR  “Dancing the Hymns3”
Dance in the Liturgy

see Dancing the Christian Hymns

september 30

CID SEMINAR  “Dancing the Hymns2”
Presentation of the Project

see Dancing the Christian Hymns

June 3

CID SEMINAR TLALMANALLI : Pre-Hispanic Sacred Dances in Mexico

Professor Patricia Elizabeth Torres Villanueva is Director of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Anthropological Investigation, A.C. Huei Tlahtolli in Mexico. Her research concerns ancestral Mexican and Mesoamerican ritual dances

She will guide us in the world of pre-Hispanic rituals of Mexico, its presence in the current traditional dances of the country and the therapeutic and educational use of pre-Columbian dances.

She will introduce us to the great Aztec civilization and reveal new information to us.

See poster in french

See poster in english
See Draft  program 

View Recording of the seminar

Three additional texts by Dr Torres Villanueva




April 8



see Dancing the Christian Hymns

March 18

CID Seminar VASHTAN : Sacred Dances in ancient Iran

Mrs. Soudabeh Ghaffarian; ballet star and researcher invites us to learn about the sacred dances of ancient Iran linked to Mazdean spirituality. You will watch videos of the great dancer Behzad JavdanFard and many groups!

This is an opportunity of an introduction to the multi-millennial Persian civilization!


See poster in  english
See poster in french

See program and Contributions of Speakers
View Recording of the seminar




novembre 20

Dancing under the breath of the Spirit
A possibility of the Christain  liturgy  ?


This debate took place in the auditorium of the bishopric of Autun under the hospices of Mgr Rivière and consisted of an exchange of points of view on the role of the sacred dance in the Christian liturgy through the ages.


The Round Table took place as part of the 2022 beauty festival in Autun France


(See the  profiles of the  speakers)

Contributions of speakers (in french)

         1 Mme Gerez , Dr Kontogiannis et Mme Derieux (début)

(Réflexions sur la relation entre la danse et la religion chrétienne dans le cadre du programme “Danse et spiritualité ”  )

            2  Mme Derieux (suite et fin)

(L’implication corporelle du chantre au Moyen-âge )

          3 Mme Guillemé (1ère partie)

( Place de la danse sacrée dans la liturgie chrétienne à travers les âges 1)

            Mme Guillemé (2ème partie et Mme Nfa 1ère Partie)

( Place de la danse sacrée dans la liturgie chrétienne à travers les âges 2
La danse dans la dimension du ministère, un signe de réveil spirituel pour notre génération ?1)

             5  Mme Nfa (2ème partie)

La danse dans la dimension du ministère, un signe de réveil spirituel pour notre génération ? 2

            6 Soeur Blandine-Marie 

Danse et prière, paroles de consacrée

            7 Monseigneur Rivière




october 29

CID Seminar RAMAYANA : The story of Rama
( Seven Countries in Seven Chapters   )

See poster
See draft program and Contributions of Speakers
View recording of the seminar

Complements on the four seminars

Introduction to Indian Spirituality
Ramayana en Indonésie
Encyclopedia of the Puppetry Arts  (for more details on the puppetry in every country)



october 22

CID Seminar RAMAYANA : The story of Rama
( Seven Countries in Seven Chapters   )


See poster
See program and Contributions of Speakers
View recording of the seminar



october 15

CID Seminar RAMAYANA : The story of Rama
( Seven Countries in Seven Chapters   )


See poster
See program and Contributions of Speakers
View recording of the seminar



october 8


CID Seminar RAMAYANA : The story of Rama
( Seven Countries in Seven Chapters   )

Ramayana is (with Mahabarata) one of the two classic Indian epics , the equivalent of Iliad and Odyssey in the occidental culture

Our precious collaborator Dr Uma Narayana Murthy is our host. After an introduction to the story and multilevel meaning of the epic , we see the its origin and its spreading throughout India, and beyond its shores to South and South-East Asia (1st Seminar) , then we visit each one of the seven countries adaptation of the epic (2d and 3d seminars) and finish by some particular topics : folk versions and Ramayana’s influence ….beyond South East Asia (4th seminar)

During all the four seminars a great number of videos and pictures will immerse us into the atmosphere of millenary civilisations of a high aesthetic and spiritual level



See poster
See program and Contributions of Speakers
View recording of the seminar



june 11

CID Seminar UBUNTU beyond theology
(Tsutsube /  The San of Kalahari Healing dance )


Under the UBUNTU spirit (I am because you are) whose  recent disciples were Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu,  the seminar deals with the passionate history and spirituality of the SAN people, one of the most ancient nations of the earth, their struggle to survive ,  and the beauty of their healing sacred dance TSUTSUBE.

See poster
See program and Contributions of Speakers

View recording  of the seminar


march 26


CID Seminar When Dance turns into a prayer
(The spiritual dimension of armenian dances)


Most traditional dances have a spiritual dimension .
This characteristic is predominant in Armenian Dances pre-christian and post-christian
However the “proactive cultural policies in the USSR “ as well as actual globalization had an influence on their authenticity

After a presentation of the marvelous world of armenian dances , an equally interesting presentation  will follow of how to “repair” , safeguard them and get inspired for the future
Those issues concern traditional dances in many countries and the debate is open !



See poster
See program and Contributions of Speakers

View recording of the Seminar

december 28

CID Seminar Spiritual Practices for Dancers

Two different approaches will be presented :

       Dr. Carla Walter is the author of “Sacred Dance Meditations: 365 Globally Inspired Movement Practices Enhancing Awakening Clarity, and Connection”

      Ms Natalia Mogolivets , president of the Lviv Section of CID and president of the Ukrainian Federation of Dance accompanies the teaching of erotic and other dances , by a progressive training in yoga !


Both approaches, as well as so many others differ in their methods but share a common point :
Dance Teaching should be much more than training to execute movements !
Let’ s keep in mind Maurice Béjart’s thought :

“A dance that does not contain a tiny divine and sacred particle would not be a dance”.


See poster
See program and Contributions of Speakers

View recording of the Seminar

october 30th

CID Seminar Sacred Dances for Contemporary World 


Sacred dances have been around since Homo Sapiens began to emerge from the animal state However with time their realization requires more and more dexterity and in general it is reserved to professionals.

During  the 20th century, certain choreographers decided to make them  accessible to the general public though retaining all the emotion of the sacred

The seminar is presented by Geneviève Khemtemourian and her students , Genevieve is one of the most active dancers of this current


See poster
See program and Contributions of Speakers

View recording of the Seminar

october 2d

CID Seminar Sacred Folk Dances around Mysuru


The seminar deals with sacred folk dances practiced in Mysuru (Mysore) , a historic city in the state of Karnataka, south India.

India is universally famous for its sublime classical dances. However, the central idea of the seminar is that folk dances are the source of the classical ones.


See Poster
See Program and Contributions of Speakers

View recording of the seminar 

june  19th

SDG  Panel Conversation Is THIS Sacred Dance?” 


The Sacred Dance Guild (SDG)  , Active CID Member , is a spiritually diverse, international, non-profit organization, committed to advocate for dance as a sacred art and to promote dance as a means of spiritual growth and integration of mind, body and spirit with inclusivity, diversity, equity and access as underlying principles. 


SDG has  initiated a series of “Quarterly Conversations” with great  panelists responding to the fascinating question «  Is THIS Sacred Dance?  » 


 See Poster in English   

 View Recording of the Conference


june  5th


CID Seminar Shamanism in Mongolian Dancing


Shamanism  constitutes a fundamental cultural and spiritual dimension of Mongolia throughout its history

The presentation of Mongolian shamanism is a first step

We will have the opportunity to come back to it and deal with this spirituality at the level of Central Asia and other continents.

This seminar was organized in collaboration with  the Cultural Envoy of Mongolia and the Mongolian State University


 See Poster in English            See Poster in French

 See Program and Contributions of Speakers

View RECORDING of the Conference 1   (speakers)

may 29th

CID Seminar “Transmission of the Ritual Gesture”

This seminar has the particularity of being both theoretical and practical.

Some themes of the program:

  • What space for sacred dance?
  • How to ritualize your dance. Intention of the gesture and its symbolism.
  • Ritual or everyday objects?
  • From the individual to collective dancing
  • Magical, devotional and ecstatic dances.
  • Dancing the elements of nature.

    Times of sharing in movement are suggested in order to enter into resonance with the mysteries of sacred movement.

 See Poster in English            See Poster in French

 See Program and Contributions of Speakers

View RECORDING of the Conference 1   (speakers)

april 10th

CID Seminar “Vôdoun : dancing the divinities”


This seminar deals with the traditional Vodoun practiced in certain countries of sub-Saharan Africa, around Benin. Once the prejudices that overwhelm it have been removed, participants  will discover a religion and a culture of extraordinary richness, varied rituals and a deep spirituality where dance is omnipresent performed by the gods, the living and the spirits of the ancestors.


See Poster

See Program and Contributions of Speakers

View RECORDING of the Conference 1   (speakers)

View RECORDING of the Conference 2 (gallery)

Lire avant le seminaire / Read before the Seminar

january 23d

CID Seminar “Ecstatic Dances in North Africa”


Though some people  have heard about  Gnaoua, Aïssawa, Zar… , very few know that even today, from Morocco to Egypt, there are countless fascinating local customs that include ecstatic dances with a powerful feminine dimension and with roots that go back to antiquity.

Various speakers present this marvellous world including  some similar customs on the northern Mediterranean coast. The trance towards the divine or for healing purposes has had multiple faces in all regions of the world since antiquity. In this seminar we  introduce the one of North Africa!


See Poster

See Program and Contributions of Speakers

View RECORDING of the Conference (speakers)

december 5th

CID Tele-Conference on Dance and Spirituality


After the initial period of the COVID, the program was presented to our Members

Each participant suggested her(his) contributions on the program


View RECORDING of the Conference



april 28th to may 2d

53rd World Dance Congress Nassau Bahamas

This is the first World Congress dedicated to “Dance and Spirituality”. It is considered as the kickoff of our Program

See the book of the Seminar
See Contributions of Participants